MULCHES Per cubic meter Per Bag
Tea Tree $120.00 $15.00 Hoop Fines $110.00 $15.00 Hoop Pine 1” $110.00 $15.00 Pine Bark 1” $110.00 $15.00 Cypress Mulch $112.00 $15.00 Red Chip $157.00 $30.00 Black Chip $157.00 $30.00 SOILSGarden Mix $81.00 $8.00
Premium Organic $107.00 $10.00 Under turf $76.00 $8.00 USGA Top Dressing $117.00 $12.00
Prices Subject to change without notification
Please note this is only a sample of both stock and pricing.
Pricing varies with both availability.
Trade account and volume negotiable.